EthAnchor Account Contract

EthAnchor Account contracts are user-specifically generated Ethereum smart contracts for interacting with Anchor Protocol from the Ethereum blockchain.

EthAnchor Account contracts only allow a single operation at a time, tracked by the ActionFlag state.



Emitted when wrapped UST is requested for deposit to Anchor via initDepositStable.

event InitDeposit(address indexed sender, uint256 amount, bytes32 to);


Emitted when wrapped aUST is claimed from Anchor via finishDepositStable.

event FinishDeposit(address indexed sender);


Emitted when wrapped aUST is requested for redemption to Anchor via initRedeemStable.

event InitRedemption(address indexed sender, uint256 amount, bytes32 to);


Emitted when wrapped UST is claimed from Anchor via finishRedeemStable.

event FinishRedemption(address indexed sender);


Emitted when aUST redemption fails due to a lack of stablecoin liquidity in the money market.

event FailureReported(); 


Emitted when emergencyWithdraw is activated for withdrawing ERC20 tokens from the contract.

event EmergencyWithdrawActivated(address tokenAddress, uint256 amount);



Accepts new wrapped UST deposits.

function initDepositStable(uint256 amount) public onlyAuthSender checkInit terraAddressSet 

Prerequisite: must have called approve() for an allowance of at least amount for the wrapped UST contract, ActionFlag is set to false Accepts: amount - how much UST to deposit Updates: ActionFlag to true Emits: InitDeposit


Claims resulting wrapped aUST after a successful deposit.

function finishDepositStable() function initDepositStable(uint256 amount) public onlyAuthSender checkInit terraAddressSet 

Prerequisite: aUST balance of account-specific endpoint contract must be greater than 0, ActionFlag is set to true Updates: sets ActionFlag to false, transfers all aUST balances from contract address to tx.origin Emits: FinishDeposit


Accepts wrapped aUST for redemption back to wrapped UST.

function initRedeemStable(uint256 amount) public onlyAuthSender checkInit terraAddressSet 

Prerequisite: must have called approve() for an allowance of at least amount for the wrapped aUST contract, ActionFlag is set to false Accepts: amount - how much aUST to redeem back to UST Updates: ActionFlag to trueIMPORTANT: aUST redemptions may fail if UST liquidity is low in the Terra side Anchor money market → be sure to check account contract balances & initRedeemStable() success parameters. Emits: InitRedemption


Claims resulting wrapped UST after withdrawal.

function finishRedeemStable() public onlyAuthSender checkFinish terraAddressSet 

Prerequisite: UST balance of account-specific endpoint contract must be greater than 0, ActionFlag is set to true Updates: sets ActionFlag to false, transfers all UST balances from contract address to tx.origin Emits: FinishRedemption


Reports any failures in-between init operations to allow the EthAnchor operator to return any funds, and reset ActionFlag back to false. Only callable by contract owner.

function reportFailure() public onlyController checkFinish 

Prerequisite: UST balance of account-specific endpoint contract must be 0, ActionFlag is set to true Updates: sets ActionFlag to false


Withdraws all balances of any ERC20 token from the contract. Only callable by contract owner.

function emergencyWithdraw(address _tokenAddress) public onlyController 

Prerequisite: ERC20 token balances of token contract _tokenAddress at contract address must be greater than 0 Updates: transfers all ERC20 token balances of token contract _tokenAddress back to msg.sender

Last updated

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