Example Usage

Remote Signing

The below example code displays the usage of customSigner to remotely sign a transaction that was generated by Anchor Earn.

For demonstration purposes, implementation of customSigner was done using Terra.js. For real usage customSigner should be connected with a remote signing solution used by the integrator (e.g. Ledger Hardware Wallet, Custodian APIs).

const anchorEarn = new AnchorEarn({
  chain: CHAINS.TERRA,
  network: NETWORKS.BOMBAY_12,

// customSigner signs the generated unsigned tx
const customSigner = async (tx: Msg[]) => {
  const account = new MnemonicKey({

  const wallet = new Wallet(
    new LCDClient({
      URL: 'https://bombay-lcd.terra.dev',
      chainID: 'bombay-12',

  return await wallet.createAndSignTx({
    msgs: tx,
    gasAdjustment: 2,
    gasPrices: { uusd: 0.15 },

await anchorEarn.deposit({
  amount: '0.01',
  currency: DENOMS.UST,
  log: (data) => {
  customSigner: customSigner,

Remote Signing & Broadcasting

The below example code displays the usage of customBroadcaster to remotely sign and broadcast a transaction that was generated by Anchor Earn.

For demonstration purposes, implementation of customBroadcaster was done using Terra.js. For real usage customBroadcaster should be connected with a remote signing solution used by the integrator (e.g. Web Wallet Extension).

const anchorEarn = new AnchorEarn({
  chain: CHAINS.TERRA,
  network: NETWORKS.BOMBAY_12,

// customBroadcaster signs and broadcasts the generated unsigned tx
const customBroadcaster = async (tx: Msg[]) => {
  const lcd = new LCDClient({
    URL: 'https://bombay-lcd.terra.dev',
    chainID: 'bombay-12',

  const wallet = new Wallet(
    new MnemonicKey({

  const signedTx = await wallet.createAndSignTx({
    msgs: tx,
    gasAdjustment: 2,
    gasPrices: { uusd: 0.15 },

  return lcd.tx.broadcastSync(signedTx).then((result) => {
    return result.txhash;

await anchorEarn.withdraw({
  amount: '0.01',
  currency: DENOMS.AUST,
  log: (data) => {
  customBroadcaster: customBroadcaster

Logging Transaction Progress

The below example code displays the usage of loggable to check on request progresses that were generated by Anchor Earn.

const deposit = await anchorEarn.deposit({
  amount: '...',
  currency: DENOMS.UST,
  log: (data) => {

Last updated

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