Deployed Contracts
Contract Addresses
Smart contracts that power EthAnchor are deployed to the Ethereum blockchain, and can be found at the below networks:
Network Classification | Name | Chain ID |
Mainnet | Ethereum Mainnet |
Testnet | Ethereum Testnet Ropsten |
Deposits and withdrawal requests made through supported Ethereum networks are each handled on the core Anchor smart contracts which reside on the Terra blockchain. Requests from Ethereum mainnet and testnet networks are each processed on the below Terra networks:
Network Classification | Chain ID |
Mainnet |
Testnet |
Mainnet EthAnchor contracts use Curve for swapping stablecoins.
Core Contracts
EthAnchor core contracts have a proxy contract layer on top. Below are addresses of the proxy contracts (excluding ExchangeRateFeeder). Please note that the contract address of ExchangeRateFeeder may change as adjustments occur.
Contract | Contract Address |
Router | |
ExchangeRateFeeder | |
ConversionPool - DAI | |
ConversionPool - USDT | |
ConversionPool - USDC | |
ConversionPool - BUSD | |
ConversionPool - FRAX |
ERC20-Compliant Token Contracts (Stablecoins)
Token Name | Symbol | Decimals | Contract Address |
Wrapped UST Token | UST | 18 | |
Dai Stablecoin | DAI | 18 | |
Tether USD | USDT | 6 | |
USD Coin | USDC | 6 | |
Binance USD | BUSD | 18 | |
Frax | FRAX | 18 |
ERC20-Compliant Token Contracts (aTerra)
Token Name | Symbol | Decimals | Contract Address |
Wrapped Anchor UST Token | aUST | 18 | |
Anchor DAI Token | aDAI | 18 | |
Anchor USDT Token | aUSDT | 18 | |
Anchor USDC Token | aUSDC | 18 | |
Anchor BUSD Token | aBUSD | 18 | |
Anchor FRAX Token | aFRAX | 18 |
Last updated